Archive of ccplot releases
Date | Release |
26 March 2025 | ccplot 2.1.5 |
8 September 2023 | ccplot 2.1.4 |
18 August 2023 | ccplot 2.1.3 |
20 June 2023 | ccplot 2.1.2 |
23 January 2022 | ccplot 2.1.1 |
28 November 2021 | ccplot 2.1.0 |
25 November 2021 | ccplot 2.0.0 |
26 March 2021 | ccplot 1.5.6 |
16 March 2021 | ccplot 1.5.5 |
2 August 2020 | ccplot 1.5.4 |
18 October 2015 | ccplot 1.5.2 |
18 October 2015 | ccplot-1.5.2.win32-py2.7 |
1 September 2015 | ccplot 1.5.1 |
21 March 2015 | ccplot 1.5 |
21 March 2015 | ccplot 1.5.win32-py2.7 |
1 December 2013 | ccplot 1.5-rc8 |
20 November 2013 | ccplot 1.5-rc7.win32-py2.7 |
16 June 2013 | ccplot 1.4.7 |
4 June 2013 | ccplot 1.4.6 |
31 May 2013 | ccplot 1.4.5 |
2 September 2010 | ccplot 1.44 |
18 August 2010 | ccplot 1.43 |
11 June 2010 | ccplot 1.42 |
13 May 2010 | ccplot 1.41 |
7 May 2010 | ccplot 1.4 |
21 September 2009 | ccplot 1.31 |
20 September 2009 | ccplot 1.3 |
20 August 2009 | ccplot 1.21 |
19 August 2009 | ccplot 1.2 |
18 August 2009 | ccplot 1.1 |
10 August 2009 | ccplot 1.0 |
ccplot works on Linux, macOS, and Windows. For best experience, it is recommended to install ccplot on Linux.
Archived installation instructions for past versions of ccplot are available here:
Below, you can find installation instructions for:
The installation works with either native Python 3 on Linux distributions, or with Anaconda. The instructions below are for native Python 3.
Dependencies on Debian-based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Devuan, …)
To install dependencies, enter the following command in the terminal:
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends python3 python3-dev python3-pip gcc python3-distutils pipx cython3 libhdf4-dev libhdfeos-dev python3-pil python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-matplotlib python3-cartopy python3-packaging python3-tz ttf-bitstream-vera proj-bin
Dependencies on Fedora
On Fedora, download szip-2.1.1.tar.gz
and hdf-eos2-3.0-src.tar.gz
Wiki, and
install dependencies with the following commands in the terminal:
sudo yum install g++ make python3-devel python3-Cython python3-numpy python3-matplotlib python3-cartopy python3-pytz pipx hdf-devel zlib-devel
tar xf szip-2.1.1.tar.gz
cd szip-2.1.1
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install
cd ..
tar xf hdf-eos2-3.0-src.tar.gz
cd hdf-eos2-3.0
./configure CFLAGS=-I/usr/include/hdf --prefix=/usr/local --enable-install-include --with-pic
sudo make install
Installation of ccplot
To install ccplot, enter the following commands in the terminal:
pipx install ccplot
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/man/man1
ln -s ~/.local/pipx/venvs/ccplot/share/man/man1/ccplot.1 ~/.local/share/man/man1/
You might have to add “$HOME/.local/bin” the PATH environment variable if not already.
Alternatively, to install ccplot from an archive:
pipx install ./ccplot-x.y.z.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/man/man1
ln -s ~/.local/pipx/venvs/ccplot/share/man/man1/ccplot.1 ~/.local/share/man/man1/
ccplot <= 2.1.2: Instead of pipx, install with pip3 install ccplot
pip install ccplot
if pip3 is not available.
You should now be able to run ccplot in the terminal:
ccplot -V
and view the manual page with:
man ccplot
Option 1: Native
ccplot can be installed from a binary distribution (Python wheel) in the official Python distribution.
To install ccplot on Windows:
Install Python 3.13 (later versions are currently not supported). In the installer, tick
Add python.exe to PATH
. -
Open the
Command Prompt
from the Windows Start Menu. Install ccplot with:pip install ccplot
You should now be able to run ccplot in the Command Prompt:
ccplot -V
Option 2: Windows Subsystem for Linux
On Windows, it is possible to install ccplot under the “Windows Subsystem for Linux” (WSL), which is a full-featured Linux distribution running on Windows. Unlike the native installation described above, ccplot can only be run in the WSL environment, and the ccplot API is only available in Python programs run within this environment.
Install the “Windows Subsystem for Linux” (found under Settings → Optional features → More Windows features).
Open Microsoft Store and install “Ubuntu”.
Open “Ubuntu” in the Start Menu.
In the console, type:
sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade
and then follow the instructions above for installing ccplot on Ubuntu Linux. Use
cd /mnt/c/Users/<user>
to change the current directory to the Windows user’s home directory, where<user>
is the name of your Windows user account, andls
to list the content of a directory.
Option 3: Building from source code
Follow these instructions if you want to build ccplot and the dependent libraries from source code. This is the most difficult installation method, but it can theoretically work with future versions of Python.
- Install:
- Python
- Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition
- HDF 4.2.16 binary
distribution for Windows (
) - 7-zip
When installing Visual Studio, tick “Desktop development with C++”.
- Download and decompress:
- HDF-EOS2 3.0
source code (
) - ccplot source code
- HDF-EOS2 3.0
source code (
located in the HDF-EOS2 directoryvs2019\HDF-EOS2
in Visual Studio. When prompted, choose to convert the project to the latest version of Visual Studio. Renameinclude\
. Set solution configuration to “Release”. Add paths to theinclude
directories of HDF4 to “Include Directories” and “Library Directories” under “VC++ Directories” under the project properties. Perform “Build” -> “Build solution”. -
Open the
Command Prompt
from the Windows Start Menu and run:pip install setuptools wheel cython numpy cd <ccplot-dir> set HDF_DIR=<hdf-dir> set HDFEOS_DIR=<hdfeos-dir> python bdist_wheel pip install dist\ccplot-2.1.5-cp313-cp313-win_amd64.whl
where <ccplot-dir>
, <hdf-dir>
and <hdfeos-dir>
are the directories where
you decompressed the respective packages.
You should now be able to run ccplot in the Command Prompt:
ccplot -V
This installation has been tested on macOS Ventura on Intel.
Install MacPorts.
Install required MacPorts packages. Enter the following command in the macOS Terminal:
sudo port install jpeg hdf4 hdfeos
Install required Python packages:
python3 -m pip install cython numpy
Install ccplot:
python3 -m pip install ccplot
Alternatively, to install ccplot from an archive:
python3 -m pip install ccplot-x.y.z.tar.gz
You should now be able to run ccplot in the macOS Terminal:
ccplot -V
Your experience
If you have any difficulty with the installation, or if you find a bug, please write to the mailing list at or submit an issue on GitHub. Please also check the known issues below.
Please continue with ccplot manual (Chapter 6) in Visualising Data from CloudSat and CALIPSO Satellites and ccplot man page.
ccplot is provided under the terms of a BSD license, allowing you to redistribute, modify and use the software in free and commercial products without restrictions.
Known issues
26 November 2021
Cartopy < 0.18.0 is not able to plot longitude/latitude labels for projections other than Plate Carree and Mercator. Ubuntu 20.04 ships with Cartopy 0.17. It is possible to use Anaconda instead, which has a newer version of Cartopy.
16 March 2021
basemap version 1.2.1 is incompatible with recent versions of matplotlib. You might get this error message:
ImportError: cannot import name 'dedent' from 'matplotlib.cbook'
Please follow the instructions above for Ubuntu 20.10 for installing the latest basemap version from GitHub.
10 October 2015
A bug in matplotlib 1.4.3 causes a warning to be printed:
matplotlib/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
It should be fixed in matplotlib 1.5.0 (issue #5209).
4 June 2013
There is a bug with python-dap which causes a warning to be printed:
/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mpl_toolkits/ UserWarning: Module dap was already imported from None, but /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages is being added to sys.path
Package python-dap is installed on Ubuntu and Debian as “recommended” by python-mpltoolkits.basemap. It can be removed (as it is not required), and the warning will not appear any more.
The bug has already been reported to the Debian bug reporting system.
12 June 2013
ccplot < 1.5 There is a bug in NetCDF compatibility layer of libhdf4 (used by PyNIO) which causes wrong size of datasets to be reported. As a result, the data may be trimmed by a relatively small amount of rays at the end of a granule. The bug has been confirmed by the HDF Group, and is being solved.
16 June 2013
ccplot <= 1.4.6 There was a serious bug in the visualization of CALIPSO profiles, whereby the altitude of data points was shifted by one element, resulting in a difference of as much as 300m relative to their true location. The difference in the highest-resolution regions was 60m.