
CloudSat and CALIPSO plotting tool

ccplot >= 1.5, < 2.0.0 (Python 2 & 3)

Linux with native Python

The following programs and libraries are required:

To install the required libraries and ccplot:

  1. Make sure you have all dependencies installed.

    On Debian-based distributions (Ubuntu, Devuan, …) you can install dependencies with:

    # Python 3, ccplot >= 1.5.4
    sudo apt install --no-install-recommends python3 python3-dev gcc python3-distutils cython3 libhdf4-dev libhdfeos-dev python3-pil python3-numpy python3-matplotlib python3-mpltoolkits.basemap ttf-bitstream-vera
    # Python 2, ccplot >= 1.5
    sudo apt install --no-install-recommends python python-dev gcc cython libhdf4-dev libhdfeos-dev python-pil python-numpy python-matplotlib python-mpltoolkits.basemap ttf-bitstream-vera

    On Fedora, download szip-2.1.1.tar.gz and HDF-EOS2.20v1.00.tar.Z from Earthdata Wiki, and install dependencies with:

    # ccplot >= 1.5.4
    sudo yum install g++ make python3-devel python3-Cython python3-numpy python3-matplotlib python3-basemap hdf-devel zlib-devel
    tar xf szip-2.1.1.tar.gz
    cd szip-2.1.1
    configure --prefix=/usr/local
    sudo make install
    cd ..
    tar xf HDF-EOS2.20v1.00.tar.Z
    cd hdfeos
    ./configure CFLAGS=-I/usr/include/hdf --prefix=/usr/local --enable-install-include --with-pic
    sudo make install
    cd ..

    On Ubuntu 20.10 (use lsb_release -a to find the version number if unsure), the system basemap library version (1.2.1) is incompatible with the system matplotlib library version. Install basemap from the upstream repository instead:

    sudo apt purge python3-mpltoolkits.basemap
    sudo apt install python3-pip git libgeos-dev
    sudo pip3 install git+
  2. Build and install ccplot:

    tar xzf ccplot-x.y.z.tar.gz
    cd ccplot-x.y.z
    # Python 3
    sudo python3 install
    # Python 2
    sudo python install

You should now be able to run ccplot in the terminal:

ccplot -V

Linux with Anaconda 3

ccplot can also be installed under the Anaconda 3 Python distribution instead of the native Python distribution of a Linux distribution. The instructions below are for ccplot >= 1.5.4. It is assumed that you have already installed Anaconda 3 and activated the Anaconda environment (the command python starts the Anaconda 3 version of Python).

  1. Make sure you have all dependencies installed.

    On Debian-based Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Devuan, …) you can install dependencies with:

    sudo apt install --no-install-recommends gcc libhdf4-dev libhdfeos-dev ttf-bitstream-vera git libgeos-dev

    On Fedora, download szip-2.1.1.tar.gz and HDF-EOS2.20v1.00.tar.Z from Earthdata Wiki, and install dependencies with:

    sudo yum install g++ make python3-devel python3-Cython python3-numpy python3-matplotlib python3-basemap hdf-devel zlib-devel
    tar xf szip-2.1.1.tar.gz
    cd szip-2.1.1
    configure --prefix=/usr/local
    sudo make install
    cd ..
    tar xf HDF-EOS2.20v1.00.tar.Z
    cd hdfeos
    ./configure CFLAGS=-I/usr/include/hdf --prefix=/usr/local --enable-install-include --with-pic
    sudo make install
    cd ..
  2. Install basemap from the upstream repository:

    pip install git+
  3. Build and install ccplot:

    tar xzf ccplot-x.y.z.tar.gz
    cd ccplot-x.y.z
    python install

You should now be able to run ccplot in the terminal:

ccplot -V

Windows (native)

ccplot can be installed from a binary distribution (Python wheel) in the Python distribution Anaconda 3.8.

To install ccplot on Windows:

  1. Install Anaconda Python 3.8 (later versions are currently not supported).

  2. Open the Anaconda Prompt from the Windows Start Menu. Install basemap:

    pip install

    Install ccplot:

    pip install ccplot==1.5.6

You should now be able to run ccplot in the terminal:

ccplot -V

Windows (Windows Subsystem for Linux)

On Windows, it is possiblle to install ccplot under the “Windows Subsystem for Linux” (WSL), which is a full-featured Linux distribution running on Windows. Unlike the native installation described above, ccplot can only be run in the WSL environment, and the ccplot API is only available in Python programs run within this environemnt.

  1. Install the “Windows Subsystem for Linux” (found under Settings → Optional features → More Windows features).

  2. Open Microsoft Store and install “Ubuntu”.

  3. Open “Ubuntu” in the Start Menu.

  4. In the console, type:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade

    and then follow the instructions above for installing ccplot on Ubuntu Linux. Use cd /mnt/c/Users/<user> to change the current directory to the Windows user’s home directory, where <user> is the name of your Windows user account, and ls to list the content of a directory.

You should now be able to run ccplot in the Anaconda Prompt:

ccplot -V

Windows (building from source code)

Follow these instructions if you want to build ccplot and the dependent libraries from source code. This is the most difficult installation method, but it can theoretically work with future versions of Python.

  1. Install:
  2. Download and unpack:
    • HDF-EOS2 source code (hdf-eos2-3.0-src.tar.gz)
    • GEOS (geos-3.9.1.tar.bz2 or later) source code
    • basemap source code (fixed to support building on Windows)
    • ccplot source code
  3. Open the Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019 from the Windows Start Menu and run:

    cd <geos-dir>
    mkdir build build
    cmake ..

    where <geos-dir> is the directory where you unpacked GEOS. Open GEOS.sln located in the GEOS build directory in Visual Studio 2019, set solution configuration to Release and perform Build -> Build solution.

  4. Open HDFEOS2.sln located in the HDF-EOS2 vs2019\HDF-EOS2 directory in Visual Studio 2019, set solution configuration to Release and perform Build -> Build solution.

  5. Open the Anaconda Prompt from the Windows Start Menu and run:

    cd <basemap-dir>
    set GEOS_DIR=<geos-dir>
    python bdist_wheel
    pip install dist\basemap-1.2.2+dev-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl
    cd <ccplot-dir>
    set HDF_DIR=<hdf-dir>
    set HDFEOS_DIR=<hdfeos-dir>
    python bdist_wheel
    pip install dist\ccplot-1.5.6-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl

where <basemap-dir>, <geos-dir>, <ccplot-dir>, <hdf-dir> and <hdfeos-dir> are the directories where you unpacked the respective packages.

You should now be able to run ccplot in the Anaconda Prompt:

ccplot -V


This installation has been tested on macOS Catalania.

  1. Install Anaconda 64-bit.

  2. Install MacPorts.

  3. Install required MacPorts packages. In the macOS Terminal:

     sudo port install jpeg hdf4 hdfeos geos
  4. Install basemap:

    pip3 install git+
  5. Build and install ccplot:

    tar xzf ccplot-x.y.z.tar.gz
    cd ccplot-x.y.z
    python3 install

You should now be able to run ccplot in the macOS Terminal:

ccplot -V