Primary sources
The primary source of information are the manual page, and the thesis Visualising Data from CloudSat and CALIPSO Satellites.
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Related resources
- Aerosol Remote Sensing over Clouds using A-Train Observation
- CALIPSO, CloudSat, GRACE Science Writers Guide
- CloudSat & CALIPSO Brochure
- EOS Data Products Handbook
- NASA - The Earth Observer May 2006
- NASA - The Earth Observer August 06
- NASA - The Earth Observer September, October 2006
- NASA Earth Science Mission Profile 1997-2004
- NASA Earth Science Reference Handbook
- NASA Fact Sheet - A-Train
- Retrieval of Atmospheric Attenuation Using Combined Ground-Based and Airborne 95-GHz Cloud Radar Measurements
- An overview of MOIDS radiometric calibration and characterization
- NASA Fact Sheet - Aqua
- Aqua Brochure
- Aqua Science Writer's Guide
- Aqua: An Earth-observing satellite mission to examine water and other climate variables
- MODIS Level 1B Product User Guide
- CALIOP Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document: PC-SCI-202.01 CALIOP Instrument, and Algorithms Overview
- CALIOP Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document: PC-SCI-202.02 Feature Detection and Layer Properties Algorithms
- CALIOP Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document: PC-SCI-202.03 Scene Classification Algorithms
- CALIOP Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document: PC-SCI-202.04 Extinction Retrieval Algorithms
- CALIOP Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document: PC-SCI-201 Calibration and Level 1 Data Products
- Computing Uncertainties for Attenuated Backscatter Products
- Fully automated analysis of space-based lidar data: an overview of the CALIPSO retrieval algorithms and data products
- PC-SCI-503 CALIPSO Data Products Catalog
- Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Particles Using LIDAR, Calipso Satellite, & AERONET: Algorithm Development
- Ring effect studies: Rayleigh scattering, including molecular parameters for rotational Raman scattering, and the Fraunhofer spectrum
- Spectral structure of laser light revisited: bandwidths of nonresonant scattering lidars
- Status and performance of the CALIOP lidar
- 2B-GEOPROF Interface Control Document
- CloudSat Data Users Handbook
- Level 1 B CPR Process Description and Interface Control Document
- Level 2 GEOPROF Product Process Description and Interface Control Document
- NASA Fact Sheet - CloudSat
- The CloudSat Mission and the A-Train
- Visualization of and Access to CloudSat Vertical Data through Google Earth