
CloudSat and CALIPSO plotting tool

ccplot is an open source command-line program for plotting profile, layer and earth view data sets from CloudSat, CALIPSO and Aqua MODIS products.

Browse CALIPSO and CloudSat: A screenshot of ccbrowse interface


CALIPSO profile and layer plots

Including surface elevation, custom colormaps and easy extent selection.

ccplot -o calipso532.png -c calipso-backscatter.cmap -a 30 -x 4:16:20..4:21:50 -y 0..30000 calipso532 CAL_LID_L1-ValStage1-V3-01.2007-06-12T03-42-18ZN.hdf

A plot of CALIPSO backscatter

CloudSat profile plots

ccplot -c cloudsat-reflectivity.cmap -a 15 -x 24.60S..31S,50W..60W -y -1000..18000 cloudsat-reflec 2009037050924_14779_CS_2B-GEOPROF_GRANULE_P_R04_E02.hdf

A plot of CloudSat radar reflectivity

CloudSat and CALIPSO trajectories on top of MODIS swath

Several projections and MODIS bands are supported.

ccplot -o orbit-modis_x31+cloudsat.png -m x31 -c modis-temperature.cmap -p tmerc orbit-clipped MYD021KM.A2009037.0515.005.2009332033315.hdf 2009037050924_14779_CS_2B-GEOPROF_GRANULE_P_R04_E02.hdf
ccplot -o orbit-modis_x31+calipso_spstere.png -m x31 -c modis-temperature.cmap -p spstere orbit MYD021KM.A2007163.0415.005.2009290181256.hdf CAL_LID_L1-ValStage1-V3-01.2007-06-12T03-42-18ZN.hdf

A plot of MODIS swath A plot of MODIS swath

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